Commands | Description | Slash |
Config | Configure Scathach bot depends on your server's needs | /config 👈 |
Autorole | Automated role when users join the server | /config autorole 👈 |
Antialt | Automated handle users for its multiple accounts | /config antialt 👈 |
Pro / Premium | Scathach PRO & Premium configuration | /pro 👈 |
Commander | Disable and enable Scathach commands | None 👈 |
Whitelist | Whitelist channels to use Scathach commands | /config bot 👈 |
Tagsblock | Scathach booru imageboards module tags block | /config imageboards 👈 |
Setwelcome | Set welcome message for new users | /config welcome 👈 |
Setprefix | Set custom prefix for Scathach (default: $!) | /config bot 👈 |
Commands | Description | Slash |
Cosplay | Get cosplay UwU | /porn 👈 |
Hentai | Get hentai UwU | /hentai 👈 |
Hentaigif | Get hentai with some gifs UwU | /hentaigif 👈 |
Hentaires | Get hentai with high res UwU | /hentai 👈 |
Servant | Get lewd fgo servant | /servant 👈 |
Porn | Get nsfw wholesome gifs | /porn 👈 |
Irl | Get reddit dedicated to nsfw irl | None 👈 |
Get reddit dedicated to hentai nsfw | /reddit hentai 👈 | |
Reddit IRL | Get reddit dedicated to IRL nsfw | /reddit irl 👈 |
Get hentai nsfw from twitter | None 👈 | |
Fuck | Roleplay: pretending to fuck someone | None 👈 |
Insult | Roleplay: pretending to insulting someone | None 👈 |
Jail | Roleplay: pretending to jailed someone | None 👈 |
Analfuck | Roleplay: pretending to anal someone | None 👈 |
Cumfuck | Roleplay: pretending cum on someone | None 👈 |
Oralfuck | Roleplay: pretending to devour | None 👈 |
Rapefuck | Roleplay: pretending to rape someone | None 👈 |
Tittyfuck | Roleplay: pretending to get booba? | None 👈 |
Video | Search for nsfw videos | /video 👈 |
Commands | Description | Slash |
Autohentai | Set the channel to receive automatic hentai | /autonsfw autohentai 👈 |
Autohentaigif | Set the channel to receive automatic hentai gif | /autonsfw autohentaigif 👈 |
Autoporn | Set the channel to receive automatic nsfw | /autonsfw autoporn 👈 |
Autofurry | Set the channel to receive automatic furry | /autonsfw autofurry 👈 |
Autohentai_pro | Automated HENTAI in every 5 minutes post | /autonsfw autohentai_pro 👈 |
Autovtuber | Automated VTUBER Lewd in every 5 minutes post | /autonsfw autovtuber 👈 |
Autoporn_pro | Automated nsfw in every 5 minutes post | /autonsfw autoporn_pro 👈 |
Autofurry_pro | Automated FURRY in every 5 minutes post | /autonsfw autofurry_pro 👈 |
Automemes | Automated NSFW MEMES in every 5 minutes post | /autonsfw automemes 👈 |
Autocosplay | Automated Cosplay NSFW in every 5 minutes post | /autonsfw autocosplay 👈 |
Autoreddit | Automated Reddit hentai in every 5 minutes post | /autonsfw autoreddit 👈 |
Autoirl | Automated Reddit IRL in every 5 minutes post | /autonsfw autoirl 👈 |
Autoanimegirls | Automated post ANIME GIRLS HENTAI in every 5 minutes | /autonsfw autoanimegirls 👈 |
Autobleach | Automated post BLEACH HENTAI in every 5 minutes | /autonsfw autobleach 👈 |
Autonaruto | Automated post NARUTO HENTAI in every 5 minutes | /autonsfw autonaruto 👈 |
Autofgo | Automated FATE/GRAND ORDER HENTAI in every 5 minutes | /autonsfw autofgo 👈 |
Autogenshin | Automated GENSHIN IMPACT HENTAI in every 5 minutes | /autonsfw autogenshin 👈 |
Autostarrail | Automated post Honkai: Star Rail HENTAI in every 5 minutes | /autonsfw autostarrail 👈 |
Autoazurlane | Automated post AZUR LANE HENTAI in every 5 minutes | /autonsfw autoazurlane 👈 |
Autoarknights | Automated post ARKNIGHTS HENTAI in every 5 minutes | /autonsfw arknights 👈 |
Autobluearchive | Automated post BLUE ARCHIVE HENTAI in every 5 minutes | /autonsfw autobluearchive 👈 |
Autogirlsfrontline | Automated post GIRLS' FRONTLINE HENTAI in every 5 minutes | /autonsfw autogirls 👈 |
Autonikke | Automated post Nikke GODDESS OF VICTORY HENTAI | /autonsfw autonikke 👈 |
Autoai | Automated post AI-GENERATED HENTAI in every 5 minutes | /autonsfw autoai 👈 |
Commands | Description | Slash |
Danbooru | Search, interacts, or auto posts images from Danbooru | /imageboards danbooru 👈 |
E621 | Search, interacts, or auto posts images from E621 | /imageboards e621 👈 |
E926 | Search, interacts, or auto posts images from E926 | /imageboards e926 👈 |
Gelbooru | Search, interacts, or auto posts images from Gelbooru | /imageboards gelbooru 👈 |
Hypnohub | Search, interacts, or auto posts images from Hypnohub | /imageboards hypnohub 👈 |
Konachan | Search, interacts, or auto posts images from Konachan | /imageboards konachan 👈 |
Rule34 / R34 | Search, interacts, or auto posts images from Rule34 | /imageboards rule34 👈 |
Tbib | Search, interacts, or auto posts images from Tbib | /imageboards tbib 👈 |
Realbooru | Search, interacts, or auto posts images from Realbooru | /imageboards realbooru 👈 |
Xbooru | Search, interacts, or auto posts images from Xbooru | /imageboards xbooru 👈 |
Yandere | Search, interacts, or auto posts images from Yandere | /imageboards yandere 👈 |
Pixiv | Search, interacts, or auto posts images from Pixiv | /pixiv 👈 |
Commands | Description | Slash |
Nhentai | Nhentai doujinshi reader from your Discord server | /nhentai 👈 |
Pururin | Pururin doujinshi reader from your Discord server | /pururin 👈 |
Hentaifox | Hentaifox doujinshi reader from your Discord server | /hentaifox 👈 |
Commands | Description | Slash |
Play | Play a song from YouTube, SoundCloud, or Spotify | /play 👈 |
247 | Set 24/7 mode music players | /config 247 👈 |
Playlist | Playlist management | /playlist 👈 |
Filter | Filter audio effects | /filter 👈 |
Skip | Skip the current song | /skip 👈 |
Skipto | Jump song into certain queue number | /skipto 👈 |
Pause | Pause the current player | /pause 👈 |
Resume | Resume the current player | /resume 👈 |
Repeat | Loop the current song | /repeat 👈 |
Queue | Show the guilds queue | /queue 👈 |
Lyrics | Show the lyrics of the current song | /lyrics 👈 |
Bass | Toggle bassboost | None 👈 |
Seek | Seek the current song | None 👈 |
Shuffle | Shuffle the current queue | /shuffle 👈 |
Volume | Change the volume of the current player | /volume 👈 |
Nowplaying | Show the current playing song | /nowplaying 👈 |
Stop | Stop the current player | /stop 👈 |
Leave | Unbound, disconnect and destroy the music player | /leave 👈 |
Level | Show your current level | /level 👈 |
Join | Join and bound Scathach to your voice channel | /join 👈 |
Commands | Description | Slash |
Fgo | Roll fgo and other nasuverse lewd | /roll 👈 |
Genshin | Roll genshin impact lewd | /roll 👈 |
Azurlane | Roll azurlane lewd | /roll 👈 |
Kancolle | Roll kancolle girls lewd | /roll 👈 |
Arknights | Roll arknights arknuts lewd | /roll 👈 |
Vtuber | Roll vtuber lewd | /roll 👈 |
Fireemblem | Roll fire emblem lewd | /roll 👈 |
Girls | Roll Girl's Frontline lewd | /roll 👈 |
Start | Start and initialize the minigame | /start 👈 |
Rules | Show the rules of the minigame | None 👈 |
Daily | Get and claim your daily reward | None 👈 |
Exchange | Exchange your grail for rewards | None 👈 |
Show your pocket and inventory stuff | /pocket 👈 | |
Gamble | Gamble your grail for rewards | None 👈 |
Profile | Show your profile card | /profile 👈 |
Level | Show your level card | /level 👈 |
Give | Give and transfer your grail to other user | None 👈 |
Commands | Description | Slash |
Avatar | Show user or server avatar | /mod avatar 👈 |
Ban | Ban a user from the server | /mod ban 👈 |
Forceban | Force ban a user which is still not yet in the server | /mod forceban 👈 |
Kick | Kick a user from the server | /mod kick 👈 |
Nsfwtoggler | Convert channel to nsfw and otherwise | /mod nsfwtoggler 👈 |
Purge | Bulk delete messages from a channel | /mod purge 👈 |
Slowmode | Set slowmode for a channel | /mod slowmode 👈 |
Deletechannel | Delete specified channel | /mod deletechannel 👈 |
Serverlogs | Set all events in the serverlogs channel | /mod serverlogs 👈 |
Setwelcome | Set welcome message for new users | /config welcome 👈 |
Autorole | Automated role when users join the server | /config autorole 👈 |
Antialt | Automated handle users for its multiple accounts | /config antialt 👈 |
Commands | Description | Slash |
Airing | Set reminder for airing anime | None 👈 |
Anime | Find information related to anime | /anime 👈 |
Character | Find information related to anime character | None 👈 |
Manga | Find information related to manga | /manga 👈 |
Github | Show github user or repository information | None 👈 |
Memes | Show random memes | /memes 👈 |
Sauce | SauceNAO reverse image search | On context menu 👈 |
Geoip | Retrive information about an IP address | None 👈 |
Translate | Translate text between languages | /translate 👈 |
Image | Google image search on discord | /image 👈 |
Translate | Translate text between languages | /translate 👈 |
Angry | Show angry face | None 👈 |
Bonk | Bonk someone | None 👈 |
Cry | Show crying face | None 👈 |
Happy | Show happy face | None 👈 |
Hug | Hug someone | None 👈 |
Kiss | Kiss someone | None 👈 |
Lol | Show laughing face | None 👈 |
Nom | Show nom face | None 👈 |
Pat | Pat someone | None 👈 |
Pout | Pouting someone | None 👈 |
Smug | Flexing someone | None 👈 |
UwU | Show UwU face | None 👈 |
Wink | Show wink face | None 👈 |
Commands & Phrases | Description | Execution |
Sauce | Get image sauce links from your Discord server | Right click context menu 👈 |
Nhentai AutoTrigger | Nhentai automated trigger when sending a links | RegExp Response 👈 |
Pururin AutoTrigger | Pururin automated trigger when sending a links | RegExp Response 👈 |
Hentaifox AutoTrigger | Hentaifox automated trigger when sending a links | RegExp Response 👈 |
Danbooru AutoTrigger | Danbooru automated trigger when sending a links | RegExp Response 👈 |
Rule34 AutoTrigger | Rule34 automated trigger when sending a links | RegExp Response 👈 |
Gelbooru AutoTrigger | Gelbooru automated trigger when sending a links | RegExp Response 👈 |
E621 AutoTrigger | E621 automated trigger when sending a links | RegExp Response 👈 |
E926 AutoTrigger | E926 automated trigger when sending a links | RegExp Response 👈 |
Hypnohub AutoTrigger | Hypnohub automated trigger when sending a links | RegExp Response 👈 |
Tbib AutoTrigger | Tbib automated trigger when sending a links | RegExp Response 👈 |
Realbooru AutoTrigger | Realbooru automated trigger when sending a links | RegExp Response 👈 |
Xbooru AutoTrigger | Xbooru automated trigger when sending a links | RegExp Response 👈 | AutoTrigger | automated trigger when sending a links | RegExp Response 👈 |
Konachan AutoTrigger | Konachan automated trigger when sending a links | RegExp Response 👈 | AutoTrigger | automated trigger when sending a links | RegExp Response 👈 |
Pornhub AutoTrigger | Pornhub automated trigger when sending a links | RegExp Response 👈 |
Xnxx AutoTrigger | Xnxx automated trigger when sending a links | RegExp Response 👈 |
Redtube AutoTrigger | Redtube automated trigger when sending a links | RegExp Response 👈 |
Xvideos AutoTrigger | Xvideos automated trigger when sending a links | RegExp Response 👈 |
Xhamster AutoTrigger | Xhamster automated trigger when sending a links | RegExp Response 👈 |
Pixiv AutoTrigger | Pixiv automated trigger when sending a links | RegExp Response 👈 |
Commands | Description | Slash |
ASMR Play | Listen to ASMR from your Discord server | /asmr play 👈 |
ASMR Queue | Show the ASMR queue from your Discord server | /asmr queue 👈 |
ASMR Destroy | Stop and destroy the ASMR player from your Discord server | /asmr destroy 👈 |
Commands | Description | Slash |
AI Talk | Create an AI session to interact with, toggle to enable/disable | /ai talk 👈 |
AI Model | Change the AI model to use | /ai model 👈 |
AI Session | Check the current AI session in your server | /ai session 👈 |