User Consent
By using Scathach bot you agree to the rules below, breaking any of those will result into temporary or permanent ban.
1. Selfboting and spam
Selfbot usage or cheats to abuse the bot minigame are certainly not allowed. Mass spam of commands is also highly discouraged and may result in a ban.
2. Misleading usage
Raiding other server then trolling a bunch of hentai or other image contents from Scathach bot that just an idiot things and absolutely prohibited.
3. Respect the bot
Don't kick the bot after you using it. This'll lead you into temporary ban. Just let us stay in your comfort server.
4. Fraud and Premium abuse
Failed patrons such as declined, or fraud will result you into permanent ban. This is also included when you're joined patrons then cancel it the pledges after 3 days (temporary ban), Kindly read Refund Policy for more information. If you didn't intend to support us or just playing around, there is always a free premium trial in everydays.
5. Critical bug
You must report any kind of exploits and critical path that affect bot and users. We will give you reward more than just 'colored roles' or 'bUg HuNtEeR R0lEs' duh
Discord guidelines and ToS also must be followed through the bot. The full terms can be found here: