Scathach bot custom automation

Scathach's custom automation option, you can create your own automated nsfw apart from the default categories.

Most likely same as Scathach's default autonsfw, but with your own tags and categories.
There is a booru imageboards module, apart for searching for contents, you can also use it to create your own custom automation.
There is Rule34, Danbooru, Gelbooru, E621, Xbooru, Konachan, Tbib, Yandere, and Realbooru.
You get used to Scathach for example $!rule34 futanari, it will search, You can adding alert parameter on your commands so it will auto.

For example:
Auto example
Add parameter wildcard after command name and follow the arbitrary query on it, for example rule34:
Wildcard example

Then you can apply to configure.
Add parameter disable after command name, for example rule34:
Disable example

Then you can apply to other imageboards commands as well.
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